The deadlift is weightlifting in its purest form. Weightlifting is lifting some kind of weight up and putting it down, in a controlled manner. This is well, actually the basic definition of a deadlift. It might not be a complicated exercise, in theory, but it is indeed a complicated exercise to perform in deadlift workout plan.
It’s a great exercise if you want core body strengthening, muscle growth, and overall improved health. This exercise needs to be performed safely, but it will boost every bone in your body and strengthen all the posterior muscles that spread from your neck to your heels. It will increase your grip and core stability to its maximum potential.
Since it is a laborious exercise, it can equally easily cause you exertion without even having completed your sets. This is why it’s very important to start with a lightweight and perfect your technique first. If you have been focusing too much on your anterior muscles (abs, biceps, and quads) but haven’t really put much effort into your back muscles, the outcome might be a serious injury. Uneven training sessions can cause significant strength discrepancy between synergistic muscle groups and can increase the chances of injuries.
Following deadlift workout plan regularly can be a great making up for that. As it mostly focuses on your back and hamstrings, it will help you in maintaining a balanced physique. This exercise also helps in preventing any muscle loss that might occur due to aging.
The deadlift is generally a part of three major core exercises most bodybuilders prefer to do regularly in any strengthening plan, with the barbell squat and bench press. These three variations together are an excellent strength builder, as they activate different kinds of muscle groups. You will prompt a lot of muscle fibers while doing the combo of these exercises.
Deadlift Workout Plan : Technique
Targeted muscles of this exercise are: Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Gluteal, Lower Back, Trapezius
Equipment you will need – A barbell of ideal size and weight.
Stand with your feet straight forward and shoulder-width apart. Keep your toes under the bar. Your heels should be flat on the floor. When you will lift the bar it may graze your shins, make sure your head and eye level should be maintained at a neutral spine level.
- Keep your abdominal muscles stable and brace them.
- By bending your knees squat down, and grasp the bar just a little out of your knees with an overhand grip.
- Lift the bar upwards by pushing up, pause briefly here and exhale. Make sure you don’t raise your hips first, so the trunk can move forward. Do not try to haul the bar up either. Your arms must remain extended under the tension of the weight while you maintain the grip your legs will push up. Think of your legs and shoulders moving together with your hip joining the movement as a balancing point.
- The bar will almost graze your legs from shin to middle thigh this is where you have reached maximum height. The height till which your hand will not bend. Pull the shoulders as much as possible without forcefully arching backwards.
- After pausing briefly try slowly putting the bar back down and repeat the process to ensure a straight back.
- You can do as many sets as you can handle, but try going a little less than maximum potential because exhausting yourself on the first day will not be helpful. Also, it’s safer to start with lighter weights to reduce the risk of injury.
Common Mistakes To Avoid While Going With Deadlift Workout Plan.
A deadlift is an advanced form of weightlifting exercise. It will be prudent that you avoid these mistakes to lower the risk of injuries.
Unconsciously rounding your shoulders or back in deadlift workout plan
Try focusing on your posture while doing the exercise. Keep your back straight and avoid rounding the back or shoulders. You should be balancing at the hips and should focus on keeping your butt out. Try bracing your abs to support the straight back.
Lifting with the arms or back in deadlift workout plan
Beginners should know this to prevent the risk of getting an injury – The key to lifting weight is to lift with your legs and hips. Do not focus on the arms, back, or shoulders’ strength. Stabilize them and keep them straight but your major strength should be coming from the waist below. Also do not bend your arms as that will cause unnecessary strain on your biceps.
Lifting too much heavyweight in deadlift workout plan
When you start any kind of weight lifting exercise it’s always a good idea to start with something lightweight until you achieve the perfect posture. Try practicing in front of a mirror or ask your gym coach to help you.
A partial lift is not a deadlift
If you do the repetition of sets by lowering the bar to your shin or the floor and then straightening again without releasing the grip on it, then it will not count as a deadlift repetition. Instead, try to practice a full lift after putting the bar on the ground and start again from the standing position.
Lifting the bar away from your body in deadlift workout plan
It is important to remember the point of the bar grazing your legs while lifting, as this will provide maximum lifting efficiency and is the safer way of executing the exercise.
Variations Of Deadlift
The Romanian Deadlift
This exercise also targets your hamstrings, gives you flexibility as well as builds strength in the often neglected abdomen muscles. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart.
Similar to previous technique, just lift the bar off the floor, just outside of your thighs. Keep your knees slightly bent, and lean forward. Try to learn from the hips and not the waist.
Then keep the bar down your shin until you feel a slight stretch in your hamstring.
Do not go for the heavier Romanian deadlift right away, as a precaution.
Snatch Grip Deadlift
This is a wide grip variation focussing on your upper back muscles (trapezius). Hold the bar with almost double the shoulder-width distance. You will require to move through a wider range of motion here. When you lift the bar push through your heels. Keep your chest tight and up to support the drive forward from your hips to lift the bar.
Hex bar Deadlift.
This variation’s name is rooted in the hexagonal shape of the barbell you will use. It’s a great variation for shift strength gains and it will not pressurize your lower back as other deadlifts, as you do not need to be pushing forward. It is done with the side-on position of the trap bar handle that forces you to retract shoulder blades engaging your lats.
Deficit deadlift
In this variation of deadlift start lifting the deficit from an artificially lower position. It will fix any weakness in your deadlift form while forcing you to keep your back and shoulder blades straight. Start by standing straight on a weight plate or low box. Make a grip on the bar. Engage your shoulder and try to take the tension, again lift the bar by pushing your hips forward. While maintaining a flat back.
Sumo deadlift
This variation of deadlift also focuses on your hamstring muscles in deadlift workout plan. It helps in building up leg power. Place your feet apart and firm then grasp the bar with a slightly narrower grip than your shoulder width. As with other variations, it’s prudent to start with a significantly lighter weight.
Single Led Romanian Deadlift
It will help you develop balance and ankle stability deadlift workout plan. But it can be a tricky variation, especially if you are a beginner. In this, you will have to stand on one leg, bend forward and, elevate your one leg back to maintain balance and then start reaching towards your other leg until you feel strain in your hamstrings. It is recommended to practice the body -weight exercises before you add free weights in this variation.
Rack deadlifts
If you are a beginner and want to step cautiously, then this is a great variation of deadlift for you. The range of motion in this variation is not too strenuous. In this, you will have to begin by outing a barbell on a raised block or rack (hence the name). This is a great confidence-building preparation before your set your foot in heavy deadlift variations. Rack deadlift will also give lesser strain on your lower back In deadlift workout plan.
Benefits Of Deadlift Workout Plan.
The deadlift is considered the king of weightlifting exercise, so it is obvious it comes with a variety of advantages. The deadlift exercise utilizes your hamstring muscles present on the back of your thighs, quadriceps present on the front of your thighs, gluteal muscles in your buttocks, and lower back muscles. This exercise is supremely regarded as a muscle-building exercise. It is not merely a bodybuilder’s flex exercise, albeit it also is beneficial for people wanting to boost their metabolism.
People try deadlifts to build a strong core and stability. Learning the deadlift will help you achieve a good body form and you will be able to lift items with lesser risk in your routine another huge benefit of the deadlift variant is that it promotes the release of growth hormones and testosterone in your body. Increases your muscular hypertrophy and betters bone density. In deadlift workout plan.
It can be a great side activity for anyone indulging in sports. Its activation on our most primitive muscles is invaluable for sports that require the use of explosive leg usages like football, rugby, track, and many more. Muscle build-up from deadlifting helps significantly in swimming cycling as well a running.
Additional Tips In Deadlift Workout Plan
Practice lifting in synchronization
While doing the deadlift you will need to pull hard. Take the tension of the bar but never snatch it as it will cause injury. While looking straight ahead, pause and exhale then take a breath again. Drive your heel on the floor and now lift solely using muscles of both legs and lower back as the bar reaches the ideal height.
Perform shoelessly
While in most abdomen performing exercise wearing shoes will help you, this is not the case with deadlifting. As they provide more height to lift and may slightly tilt you forward throwing you off the symmetry. This is why it’s is best to try this variation in socks or barefoot for stability.
Try grazing your shin harder
As mentioned before lifting the bar away from your less will not help you. This is the reason why the world champion Eddie hall always finishes the competition with bleeding knees. Space makes it harder to lift the bar. Start your lift from your toes under the bar and shin touching it. Then lift the bar. You can try wearing long protective socks or spandex leggings to prevent any scraping or bleeding as well.
Try Maintaining a grip
If you can’t keep a firm grip on the barbell then maybe deadlift is not for you. It doesn’t matter how much strength you have in your muscles you will need a firm grasp of the bar to lift the barbell successfully. There are ways to get a strong grip, you can try practicing with chalk or practice with gripping any bar you find as hard as you can.
Try wearing a weight lifting belt
If you want to add some pounds to your barbell simply wear a weight lifting belt across your chest. It will make your deadlift exercise more efficient than just putting weight in the barbell. Because when you have weight against your chest you breathe against it making your abdominal cavity increase its intraabdominal pressure. It helps in creating a much more stable core which in turn helps more in weightlifting.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many times in a month should I deadlift?
You can start with 4-6 times each month, in the initial period. Once you have excelled in the lighter weight exercise with the perfect posture you can increase the frequency to more optimum 8-9 times each month.
How much should I deadlift in a week?
For most beginners as well as advanced trainers, death lift will be beneficial at least 1-3 times per week. You can increase the frequency if you have hit a plateau in strength or you would like to advance the training. Make sure to manage the workout cautiously.
Do deadlifts actually build muscles?
Deadlifts are an excellent way to see a fast improvement in your muscle build-up. Great for bulking up the hips, hamstrings, back muscles, and spinal erectors. The deadlift can be considered arguably the best weight lifting exercise for overall muscle growth. It stimulates thousands of muscle fibers and tendons throughout our body. In the end, if bulking up your muscles along with helping your posture is your end goal then the deadlift is the ideal variety of weight lifting for you.
How do deadlifts change your body?
The deadlift variation increases your core strength and core stability. Helps in improving your posture and this training will primarily increase your legs, lower back, and core muscle development. These muscles help keep your shoulders upright. Maintains your spine and hips in alignment. Also prompts growth hormones and testosterone in your body.
The deadlifting exercise consists of a variety of benefits as we have already mentioned in deadlift workout plan. It will be a great way to achieve maximum results with minimum spending. If you don’t have access to a barbell you can also try a different variation of this exercise with a kettlebell or dumbbell.