5 Powerful Exercises To Boost Your Testerone

Its Testosterone is famously called “The Male Sex Hormone” Exercises,- which literally translates to testosterone having the hormone responsible for phenomenal sex life and high sex drive. 

Though the statement has some gravity, guys, let’s not just objectify testosterone to just having a ‘sex catalyst’ because it legit has some essential functions like maintaining muscle mass and strength, helping in body fat distribution, developing facial hair, deepening voice and in production of RBCs. 

 When Testosterone in women helps in bone growth and strength regulates libido, and this study suggests that it even acts as a neuroprotective agent in women. Other than this, do you know that even women have a substantial amount of testosterone in their blood. Sigh! No wonders everyone is looking up to hype up the levels. 

And if your search has brought you here, then you are in the right place. Because this read is not just your regular ‘trust me bro’ read and is going to give you factual and science-backed up information for boosting up your T levels. 

What causes Low Testosterone?

After age 30, testosterone starts declining naturally in men. It goes down by 1% each year throughout the 30s. About 40% of males above age 45 experience conditions of low testosterone. 

In addition to this, there can be sure other potential reasons for low testosterone (aka Hypogonadism ).


Pituitary gland dysfunction

Injury (leading to blood arteries rupture of Testes)

Liver Cirrhosis

Chronic medication involving steroids or opioids

 Effects Of Low Testosterone

 Reduction in Body Hair – 

Since testosterone helps in the growth of secondary sexual characteristics in males – i.e. facial and body hair. Low levels of testosterone can result in significant loss of body hair. 

 Erectile Dysfunction – 

Studies have revealed that Low T can indirectly result in erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone can directly result in atherosclerosis, the main culprit for erectile dysfunction.

 Loss in Muscle Mass-

Low T can also result in loss of muscle mass. Muscle wasting is a common symptom of low T levels, where the muscle can diminish in abundance, but it doesn’t affect muscle function or strength. 

 Low Sex Drive –

Low T regulates libido, and this study in the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism says that injecting testosterone helped men attain sexual arousal, hence directly correlating the effect of testosterone on sex drive in men. 

How To Know If My Testosterone Level Is Low?

Though the symptoms are telltale signs of low testosterone, one cannot solely rely on them. The best way to find out is by taking a blood test. Since Testosterone levels tend to change throughout the day. Your doctor may advise you to take a morning test as this is the time when T peaks. The testing T level in your blood is the only accurate way to know if you have low testosterone levels in your system. 

Exercises For Increasing Testosterone Levels

People are on constant lookouts for an easier and quicker way to boost Testosterone levels. But injecting testosterone or taking the route of prescribed drugs could be potentially dangerous and wreak havoc in your system later. 

Exercising and having a healthy, balanced diet is the only safest and arguably the best way to build Testosterone levelsAnd science agrees.

These listed exercises will amp up the Testosterone Levels in Men. 

 1. Deadlift – 

Research indicates that lifting weights 3 times a week for a month causes a significant rise in testosterone levels in men.

 How To 

Equipment – A Barbell

Always start with a warm-up

If you are a beginner, start with weights you are comfortable holding

Breathe. Hold the barbell up


Put the barbell down


 2. Chin Up

Chin Up is another resistance training that one could aim to include in their Testosterone workout.

 How To 

Equipment – A Pull Up Bar

  • Grab a pull up bar
  • Keep your hands at shoulder width
  • Hang from the bar
  • Keep pulling up till your chin is over it
  • Pause
  • Come back to starting position
  • Repeat

 3. Bench Press

 How To –

Equipment – A bench and free weights/barbell

Get into a lying position on a bench.

Keep your feet on the ground the entire time while you do the exercise

  • Grip the bar
  • Engage your core
  • Inhale and lift the bar up
  • Lower it to the centre of your chest
  • Press the bar back up
  • Exhale

 4. Push Up

 How To 

  •  get down on all fours on the floor or on a mat
  •  Now, keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulders
  •  Keep your body in a straight line
  •  Lower down your chest till it is one inch above the floor
  •  Back to start position
  •  Repeat

 5. HIIT Workouts (High-Intensity Interval Training)

 This workout involves short periods of explosive workout sessions alternating with brief recovery periods. It could last somewhere around 10-30 minutes. Workout sessions can include sprinting, jumping rope, running, or biking.

Exercises That Decrease the Testosterone Levels

Yes, you read it right. These are regular endurance exercises. When done in the extreme, specific activities could decrease your T level. Athletes who train for endurance for hours could have low T levels. These athletes have a high amount of ‘Cortisol’ in their blood, which can lower testosterone levels in the blood. 

 This paper speaks volumes about the effect of endurance exercises on Testosterone levels in the blood, though it also clearly mentions that more research is required in this area. 


 The bottom line is that though resistance exercises might help men gain muscle mass and boost testosterone, the same could not be said for women. Studies reveal that if women consider this regime to increase their Testosterone levels, they might not gain any significant rise in T levels. On the contrary, women can benefit from HIIT workout sessions. 

 Also, note that increased T levels in women can be potentially dangerous as it may cause infertility, menopause, balding and obesity. For any Testosterone boost above the baseline T levels in women, expert guidance of a certified medical professional should be taken. 


What is normal testosterone by age?

 The unit for measurement of testosterone in the blood is Nanogram/Decilitre (ng/Dl). Male Infants can have T levels at 14-37 ng/Dl. Usually, 200ng/Dl is considered low T levels in men. At puberty, the testosterone peaks in men and it could be anywhere from 300ng/Dl – 1200 ng/Dl. It declines by 1% every year after age 35.

 In women, infants can have up to 5-20 ng/Dl. At puberty, T levels remain at 9-55 ng/Dl. It declines to 5ng/Dl – 30ng/Dl after 60 years in females. Detailed info here 

 Do Squats raise testosterone?

 When combined with the weight, squats can increase Testosterone levels in men. High-intensity barbell squats with constant movement temp have been proved to be the best squat variation in amping up the T levels in the blood. High volume squats are most beneficial for the rise in T levels.

 Do Pushups increase testosterone?

 Yes, Pushups help shoot up the testosterone level in your blood if you are men. Pushups have the potential of naturally boosting up T levels if done with enough intensity. 

 How can I test my Testosterone levels at home?

 For checking Testosterone levels at home, a home test kit can be used. Sample collection might vary depending on the type of kit you are using. A sample might involve a blood sample, urine sample or saliva sample. The test kit will instruct you to collect samples during 7-9 AM in the morning as this time has the highest amount of testosterone in the blood. Choose your test kit wisely and only pick one after reviewing reviews, pros and cons.

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