The Low rack pull is a variation of a deadlift to increase overall pulling strength, builds muscles in the back, strengthens the back, and teach beginners how to do a deadlift.
There are many ways to deadlift with a variation: a snatch grip, trap bar, standing on a weight plate, or a thick bar. It depends on your choice and interpretation of which one you will do.
The partial deadlift is also known as pulling in the rack and lockout. This exercise targets the glutes, hamstring, and lower back. Barbell, weights, and squat rack will be needed to perform this exercise. Rack pulls exercise is excellent for boosting pull and grip strength. This article will cover the procedure, variation, benefits, and much more.
How to do Low rack pull?
- Set the bar at the desired height with the help of a rack or blocks.
- Stand close to the bar to over the middle of your foot.
- Lean forward by inhaling, bend your knees and grip the bar.
- Hold your breath and lift the bar.
- Pull the bar close to the body by keeping your back straight until standing straight.
- Lower the bar back to the rack. This is one rep; complete a set by doing 10-12 repetitions.
- Rest for a couple of minutes between the groups to avoid overworking muscles.
3- heights in Low rack pull

You can place your barbell at three different heights to make progress. The general rule of thumb is the higher the bars the starting position is, the lift will be easier to perform. You can alter the height of the rack at three different places.
2- inches above the knee
This is the most accessible and most comfortable position to start. This allows you to create a powerful place beneath the bar to keep strict form and provide the most power throughout the movement.
Immediately above the knee
Placing the bar just above the knee caps is the standard starting position of rack pull. This is a little bit more difficult than the previous one. Just focus on one form and perform the movement.
Immediately below the knee
Staring the movement just before the halfway point of the lift. This technique allows you to become more comfortable lifting the bar off the ground to lockout.
Variations of Low rack pull
By making minor adjustments in the body positioning and equipment, you can perform the variations in the Low rack pull. The following variations you can include in the workout to make it more challenging.
High rack pulls
This happens when you start the bar at the mid-upper thigh level. With this variation, you will be able to lift the heavyweight as it has a shorter range of motion. This is a great movement to hit the back muscles and mainly the traps. The only difference is the starting point of the exercise. Follow the same procedure as you follow in the standard rack pull.
Isometric rack pull
It can be done inside the rack pulls. In this, the barbell is set under a pair of safety stoppers. An empty bar is lifted as hard as possible to the pins. Isometric contractions will occur, which helps in enhancing strength at a specific point. It increases muscle growth. The procedure is the same as you follow in rack pulls. This exercise is used to test the power of athletes.
Sumo rack pull
It is a variable that affects your legs and glutes more than the standard rack pull. It is an excellent movement to improve the sumo deadlift’s top lockout phase.
Simply widen your stance and point your toes outwards approximately 20-25 degrees to perform this. This will require more power to lift the bar. Then follow the same steps as you do in standard rack pulls.
Wide grip rack pull
This variation will emphasize your traps more than the standard rack pull.
This increases the range of motion as your grip will be broad. The weight will be less than the standard rack pull in this variation. The only difference is your grip in this movement will be around 1.5 times wider than the shoulder width. Follow the same procedure as you do in standard rack pull.
ALSO READ: Stiff Leg Deadlift – Exercises For Super Strength & Power Legs
Benefits of Low rack pull
It can be easy on your back
It is the best way to work around if you have any back issues and can’t do a deadlift. Rack pulls can help you build strength and mass in your deadlift muscles. Test at various heights and weights, see at what point you can perform the rep pain-free.
Less stress on the back
It is a tremendous exercise when you limit the amount of stress on the back. This exercise allows you to work from a more vertical position. The reduced range of motion places less strain on your lower back. The pulling motion keeps less stress on your lower back.
Enhances your pull and grip strength
Doing Low rack pull enhances your pull and grip strength. Grip strength is a strong indicator of the quality of life at an older age. Working on your grip strength will help you in the future.
Helps in increasing workload
You can lift more weight in the traditional deadlift if you are perfect in the workout. This is because it has a short range of motion. You don’t need to lift the weight very far, so you can add more weight to the exercise.
Perfect for beginners
Beginners will get tons of benefits from the versatile workout. It is the perfect move to build strength before moving to the more challenging lifts.

Mistakes to be avoided while doing rack pull
Thrusting the hips forward
This work on your hamstrings, glutes, and quadriceps. Avoid thrusting your hips forward at the top to challenge these muscles. The entire movement must be controlled and steady. This will affects the form of exercise and may increase your injury risk.
Lifting too much weight
The range of motion is smaller than a deadlift. You may load more weight than the deadlift. But if you are a beginner, then avoid lifting too much weight; instead, focus on the correct form of the exercise first.
Wrong posture
Incorrect posture during any exercise can harm your muscles and body. If you are not doing low rack pull in the wrong forum, it will affect your lower back and cause strain. Remember to keep your back straight, shoulders back, and feet shoulder-width apart.
Wrong foot placement
Foot placement at the right place is critical to pulling the weight. Your feet must be underneath the barbell. You must stand close to the barbell, and your legs must be partially underneath the barbell to quickly grab the bar.
If you want to lift a large amount of weight, you need to push through your heels to lift that weight.
Is rack pull better than deadlift?

To focus on Apte’s upper back and traps, rack pull s better than deadlifts. But if you want full-body exercise, then deadlift is better.
Both activities have different effects on the muscles. Rack pulls have a shorter range of motion than the deadlift. The movement is quite similar in both. The focuses more on your hamstrings and the lower back muscles.
You may lift heavier weight in rack pull as compared to the deadlift.
This is because you lift the weight from the rack in the workout, and in the deadlift, you lift the weight from the ground. If you are not a competitive lifter and have a general goal of gaining strength and muscle mass, you can rotate rack pull and deadlift both exercises to get the best benefits.
Do rack pulls build mass?
The rack pull is an excellent exercise to build mass in your back, glutes, trapezius, and hamstrings. If your goal is muscle growth, include this exercise in your workout.
How often should you do rack pulls?
When it comes to how much you should do rack pulls, then it all depends on your every person’s individual goals. You need to think about training for hypertrophy, strength, or endurance. Do 4-6 reps per set if you want to gain power. If you focus on hypertrophy, you must do higher reps to gain muscle size.
This exercise is a variation of a deadlift that includes putting the loaded barbell on the support of a power rack. Doing rack pull regularly can increase the pull and grip strength. It is a safer deadlift alternative as it puts less stress on the spine and hips.
When you perform this movement for the first time and can’t lift more than your traditional deadlift, don’t discourage. Initially, you can raise less, but practice makes a man perfect. It will take a few attempts to fit your body to get used to the new variation.
The rack pull is best for increasing the size and strength in the back. It helps to train back muscles and allows to lift heavyweights. It becomes easier to lift and add weight to get the muscles growth. If you have any kind of back injury, consult your doctor before trying the rack pull.